i agree dawg, it seems like it peaks at around the eighth grade education level.one of my twins said, hes 9 , door knockers, theyre dumb
and they dont have windows in there church, its like a prison!!
big d
ok, so some witnesses left the "watchtower" mag.
at my door the other day....so i picked it up and read it.... it was like reading the logic of a 10 year old.
then when i talk to jw, like my cousins that still talk to me, or like the trolls (jws) who are on the board some nights, i feel as i'm talking to a 10 year old.... like the troll on-line tonight.... do you guys agree?.
i agree dawg, it seems like it peaks at around the eighth grade education level.one of my twins said, hes 9 , door knockers, theyre dumb
and they dont have windows in there church, its like a prison!!
big d
once in the hallway during a meeting, there was another brother who did not ever like me, we had known each other for many years, i had the girlfriend thing , he wanted, anyway, he said one day, ill take you down a little, big man, and we were by the waterfountain, and he kicked at me, mind you the meeting was goin on, i hit him in the face, he flew back and hit the mirror on the wall, and it shattered all over the floor, bang, it wss loud, his mouth ws bleeding, i said want more?
the elders came running, stopped the meeting and it looked like high school, fights, we were taken to the library, and my dad was an elder and a korean hero, he recieved the bronze medal, they interrogated us, and he said he would get me for this, he swung at me, i ducked and hit him again in the face, now he was really bleeding and his dad jumped on me, and my dad hit him in the mouth, and he was bleeing too, his mom , a pioneer, told me i was no good, i told her that was the pot calling the kettle black, they were losers, and a hyprocrites.we were about 20.
i was put on reproof, and he was too.
big d
i have a unique way of doing time (prison rares its ugly head as a thought), i sit with my animals and talk to them and once in awhile i mention that i thank god for them.
sit with them 20 minutes a day and in seven days wa la 2hrs and 20 min x 4 weeks + 2 days left over and you have the magical 10 hrs every month.
what a deal huh?
buffalo...........big d is dallas
big d
for the past 5 months i have been in a wonderful relationship.
he and i had started out as friends a few years ago, but realized that we were attracted to each other while he was going through his divorce earlier this year.
he and his now ex wife are both jws .
if you truly believed that, you wouldnt be here, it is a df offense to commnicute with those here dfd or apostste, if you are a good jw , turn yourself in, or does the rules of the jw not apply to you? make a decision and live with it!!!!!!!!!
big d
my 12 year old daughter works in the office at her school.
a sister was checking her son in late and the secretary said,"courtney will get you a late return slip.
" and lisa just turned around and left.
an elder who lives nearby has decided to be play the twat with me recently.
i have been out for nearly 2 years, which makes it even more pathetic on his part.. after leaving, this character (thinking i was depressed), would give me the most tactless, thoughless advice that you have ever heard.
he loved 'giving it to me' right outside my house.
when you attended your last meeting ever as a dub, did you know it was your last?
did something happen which made it clear in your mind you were 'never going back' (not to be confused with nvrgnbk)?.
the last meeting we went to was the memorial in 2006. we only went because we knew we were already pegged for the elders' unwanted attention, so we had to go to keep them off our backs a little longer.
one of my last meetings my x had left and i was raising all 3 boys alone and it was getting pretty hard on me, you know how little boys can get, the twins were little and making noise, i had taken them to the back many times, finally they were quiet, and then much later an elder walked by and dropped a watchtower in my lap, i looked at it, it had underlined, and i read it , it was about not properly supervising your children, i was infuriated, i snapped, and took him outside, this during the meeting, another elder followed, i told him , if you are concerned enough to study a article for me to look at, you should offer to help me , with one of my 3 boys, and i read him 1 thess 4;11, and i said do you underatand the point im making?
he shook his head yes, and i said , dont ever pull that on me again!, brother loveing
big d
i am sorry you are put in such a situation, at a very young age, i have a son your age, and i raised him in the borg, and i have taken him out, my twins, dont know anything, i am a father, and my advise to you is be thankful you found out now, and do a little research, dont depend on what anybody says, we are told to ask householders to examine their faith, but we are told to not search out ours, does that not seem odd to you?
yes there is love in many friends in the borg, there is love everywhere, being young is hard, you want to please everyone, but you must grow up and take responsibilty for yourself, many times the right decisions are a little scary, when you are goin against all you have known, it was that way for all here, we are here for you. agape
big d
when you attended your last meeting ever as a dub, did you know it was your last?
did something happen which made it clear in your mind you were 'never going back' (not to be confused with nvrgnbk)?.
the last meeting we went to was the memorial in 2006. we only went because we knew we were already pegged for the elders' unwanted attention, so we had to go to keep them off our backs a little longer.
cumlative process over 12 years, something in me told me it was not what it was supposed to be, and i gave talks on sacred srevice and realized that it meant that caring for others not field service, only the apostles were in recipt of holy spirit for that.
sadly it was after my wife faded and left, and abandoned her 3 kids to me, life is continually a surprise, and no matter what i think it will turn out to be , it always is different. but i survived severe depression, and became the good mr mom i could never have been in the years past, i am 45 now and reminded daily how beautiful it is to watch my kids grow up, i am glad iam here.
big d
you are learning, there are many honesthearted people in the hall, but there are many everywhere else too, you will never be able to do enough, the only time any witness ever felt truly good was right after service, and thats it, and when thats over, you are guilty conscience is telling you to do more, pioneer, elder, co, bethel, that is what your taught daily, better you find out now than after 35 years, and lost family and kids.
you are young i assume, give it much thought, and im sure you will be fine,
big d